Dear Brother

Mistakes unearth the humanity of his character
Through the looking glass,
I wonder does he see endless skies of blue
Skies that create an illusion of happiness
Locked deep behind, hidden in your troubled eyes,
I can’t reach you dear brother
You’ve strayed so far off path
Your weary eyes reveal a tortured life
Of restless nights on cold dark streets
The poison that pulses through your dead veins
Has robbed me of a brother
That poison has corrupted the boy you once were
I will never meet the man, you were meant to be
I wrote this for my younger brother who, at the young age of 16 began to drink and use drugs. He was abused as a child and has since, turned to a life of drug abuse and homelessness. I’ve lost my baby brother to drugs. Sadly, he has no motivation to change. He has been living this dangerous life for more than 20 years. There are moments of sobriety, but only moments. My cousin has reminded me that God is bigger than his drug abuse.
Have you known a loved one like this? Stuck in a destructive lifestyle with no motivation, will, or drive to make a change? I’d love to hear your story.
Charity Joy